Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Seafood Distribution Software and how it can help Your Business

The seafood industry is definitely for early risers, as there is much work to get done in order to prepare for the day.  The fishermen are out during the early morning hours trying to catch as much as they can to sell at the daily fish market, the distributors and buyers are at the docks waiting for the boats to arrive with their catch, and the restaurant and grocery store workers or owners are trying to purchase what they need in order to serve their customers.  At least that’s how the industry works for some…  Having the proper seafood distribution software can really help your business thrive while reducing  man-hours!

Of course there are many chefs who like to personally pick out and inspect their seafood items before buying, but there are also many who would prefer to simply log into their computer, view the item online, and purchase it that way!  Once a customer becomes established with a distributor, they tend to know the quality of their customer service and delivered food items.  If they are satisfied, then they are more apt to order online since it is more convenient for them and they have a good rapport with the distributor.

A quality seafood distribution software system can help reduce a company’s customer service expenses by not needing to hire a huge phone support department that can handle customer orders all day long.  Employees add a big expense to any business, especially with having to provide benefits, vacation days, holidays, and other common perks.  The internet is king today, and the company who does not have a strong presence online with a superb ordering system is at a great disadvantage.

For the average buyer, being able to go to a seafood distributor’s website at 2:00 a.m., view selections, and choose products to purchase is a huge benefit!  Being able to work when they want to work, instead of only the hours that customer ordering support is offered, can bring relief and a sense of personal freedom.  They can also take their time in selecting just the right products that they might need, and can also visually verify the order before submitting it to the company.

Customer service and ordering are just two areas that a good seafood distribution software system can tackle for a company, but they are not the only two.  There are many accounting and inventory functions that it can handle that involve repetitive and detailed work, and require a great deal of accuracy.  No one wants to get afoul of the IRS or other government agency because of a simple miscalculation or other error!

There are many companies still in this industry that do things by hand and work very much without a net…  They keep life very low tech, and try not to involve themselves with computers and software.  However, the company that wants to grow and expand their customer base will definitely be in the forefront when it comes to finding and working with a seafood distribution software system!  Doing the right research and making sure the software does everything needed and does not include functions that are not needed is a good start for a company just beginning to search available options.

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