Monday, September 10, 2012

Food Order Systems and How They Can Help Grow Your Company Fast

Customer service is always a huge factor in how quickly a company can grow, and being able to take care of your customers can be the difference between success and failure.  For businesses in the food industry, having the right online food order system can provide high quality customer service to your clients and also reduce your time taking customer orders on a daily basis over the phone.  

Having the right food order system will enhance your online presence and also empower the customer with the ability to take their time creating an order and review it carefully before submitting it to your company.  With a phone order, the customer has to rely on the fact that the person on the other end heard correctly and placed the product order exactly how it was intended.  Also, placing an internet order is much more secure when it comes to credit card information than it would be for the customer to repeat it over the phone.  Online security is very high today, and even though it is not foolproof it will stop someone from overhearing your conversation over the telephone.  Land lines are safer, but most people today simply use mobile phones which are much easier to tap into.

In addition to security, most people just like to be in control of what is happening and the right food order system will give you much happier customers!  Every company would love to have happier customers and also become more efficient at taking orders and being able to spend more time on the creative side of the business.  After all, going after new customers and coming up with new ideas is how you expand your existing business, but having a good food order system will help you to keep your current customers involved and happy.

Food order systems come in different varieties and shapes, and the right research is needed for you to make sure that it has everything you need to succeed, but also nothing extra that you don’t need.  You don’t want to pay extra for features or utilities that might be nice, but aren’t going to be needing anytime soon.  A smaller company will not need the same functionality that a much larger company or corporation may need, so purchasing the same food order system software does not make much sense.

There are many food order system providers that specialize in one specific niche or field, or they may only operate in one area of the world.  Making sure that the company you select offers all the features your company needs and will work in the area you do business in is paramount to a successful search.  Other questions you might have are whether or not the new software works with any existing systems you already have.  Compatibility can be a big factor in your decision, but doing your due diligence and finding the right food order system for your company can have a big impact on your future success!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Produce Distribution Software and How it Can Help Your Business

Weather changes can really affect the farming industry, especially extreme drought conditions like what the United States is experiencing now or even extreme wet conditions when too much tropical storm rain falls over a short period of time.  Everyone knows that the margin with prices is low enough as it is with the produce industry without worrying about the weather, spoilage, and the potential for losing a whole season’s crop before harvesting.  There is nothing much that can be done about the weather and whether or not it rains, but one thing that a good produce distribution company absolutely needs is a produce distribution software system that can help streamline their online orders, reduce spoilage, and to keep the customers happy.

The right produce distribution software system can help increase efficiency within a produce or food delivery company and provide numbers and metrics to use so a business can know what is working and what needs fixing.  Many produce delivery businesses have started from small beginnings and may not have even had a computer to work from originally, but as they have grown bigger and faster they have found an increased need for automation and software that can handle their needs.  One person can only do so much, but a distribution software system can keep track of all orders, both online and over the phone, store statistics about customers, show past orders, and possibly provide a look into the future to see how they might grow over time.

There are several varieties of food distribution software out there on the market, and a company should study their own business to find out what features they might need and also what they don’t need in a system.  Some great software systems offer all the bells and whistles you can imagine under the sun, but with them their price also goes way up.  If your company does not need these extra features, then there is no reason for you to pay for them when you make your purchase decision.  You can use the money you just saved by investing in other areas of your business that need it more.

So always do your homework before buying, and make sure that it is the right produce distribution software for you and your business.  Not too much fluff and just the right amount of functionality!  We feel that Intalogix OneLink produce distribution software is a great choice and should help your company provide incredible customer service to your clients, but also give you additional flexibility in the growth of your business.